+88 01847334979, +88 01876333284

Rules & Regulations

Rules for Full Time Employees


1.      Attendance and Punctuality: Employees are expected to arrive on time for work and adhere to their assigned work schedules. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential to maintaining productivity and meeting client deadlines.

2.      Professional Conduct: Employees are expected to maintain a professional demeanor at all times when representing the company. This includes appropriate communication, dress code, and behavior while on the job.

3.      Confidentiality: Employees are required to maintain confidentiality and protect the company's sensitive and proprietary information. Sharing confidential information with unauthorized personnel can lead to severe consequences.

4.      Workplace Safety: Employees must adhere to workplace safety guidelines and take necessary precautions to avoid accidents and injuries.

5.      Performance and Evaluation: Employees will receive regular performance evaluations and will be held accountable for their work. Failure to meet performance expectations may result in disciplinary action or termination.

Rules For Project-Based Employees


1.      Communication: Project-based employees can expect clear and timely communication from the company's representatives and employees regarding project progress, issues, and concerns.

2.      Confidentiality and Security: The company is committed to protecting client data and information and adheres to strict security protocols to ensure data privacy and protection.

3.      Project Management: The company utilizes project management methodologies to ensure timely delivery, quality, and adherence to client requirements.

4.      Performance and Evaluation: Project-based employees will receive regular performance evaluations and will be held accountable for their work. Failure to meet performance expectations may result in termination of the project-based employment.

5.      Billing and Payment: Project-based employees are expected to deliver quality work within the agreed-upon timeframe and budget. Payment will be made according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Rules For Interns


1.      Attendance and Punctuality: Interns are expected to arrive on time for work and adhere to their assigned work schedules. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential to maintaining productivity and meeting project deadlines.

2.      Professional Conduct: Interns are expected to maintain a professional demeanor at all times when representing the company. This includes appropriate communication, dress code, and behavior while on the job.

3.      Confidentiality: Interns are required to maintain confidentiality and protect the company's sensitive and proprietary information. Sharing confidential information with unauthorized personnel can lead to severe consequences.

4.      Learning Objectives: The company will establish clear learning objectives and expectations for the internship program. Interns are expected to work towards these objectives and seek guidance and feedback from their supervisors.

5.      Performance and Evaluation: Interns will receive regular performance evaluations and will be held accountable for their work. Failure to meet performance expectations may result in termination of the internship.

Rules For Clients


1.      Communication: Clients can expect clear and timely communication from the company's representatives and employees regarding project progress, issues, and concerns.

2.      Confidentiality and Security: The company is committed to protecting client data and information and adheres to strict security protocols to ensure data privacy and protection.

3.      Service Level Agreements (SLAs): The company establishes clear SLAs with clients regarding service delivery, response times, and issue resolution.

4.      Project Management: The company utilizes project management methodologies to ensure timely delivery, quality, and adherence to client requirements.

5.      Billing and Payment: Clients are expected to pay for services rendered on time and according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

These rules and regulations are general guidelines and may vary depending on the company's specific requirements and policies. It is essential to communicate these rules and regulations to both employees, clients, interns and project-based employees to ensure a productive and professional working environment.